The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry STANDARDS
TO THE ACADEMY'S MONOGRAPH ON We invite all with interest in thyroid pathophysiology and measurement of thyroid function markers to review this current version reproduced below (or the original monograph in print - go to the AACC web site to arrange the purchase of a copy). Since time is of the essence, please do not hesitate to send your comments, suggestions, additions (including new references) and deletions to Dr. Carole Spencer (email: cspencer@hsc.usc.edu). Please annotate your response with the section, subsection and the paragraph (e.g. first 3rd, etc). Your comments along with comments received in Kyoto should generate a new, updated monograph soon. Please send your suggestions. Look to this site for a posting of the update. If you have any questions, you may email either Dr. Carole Spencer or Dr. Larry Demers (lmd4@psu.edu). GENERAL SERIES
EDITOR: THYROID MONOGRAPH EDITOR: GUIDELINES COMMITTEE: CO-CHAIRS: DAVID B. ENDRES, Ph.D., F.A.C.B. COMMITTEE: The preparation of this monograph was achieved with the
expert input of the above members of the guidelines committee, the experts
in the field who submitted manuscripts on several topics, and the many
reviewers. Those who submitted manuscripts also presented them at the
NACB meeting in Anaheim, California, on July 14-15, 1995; their full manuscripts
appear in Clinical Chemistry 1996;42:119-192. The lists of reviewers and
participants are at the end The material in this monograph reflects the opinions of the editors, reviewers, and conference participants and does not represent the official position of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry or any of the co-sponsoring societies. This monograph should help others creating their own guidelines. The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry is the official academy of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry. ©1996 by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry. Permission
is granted to make and We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals who contributed the
Lewis E. Braverman, M.D. Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen, M.D. Delbert A. Fisher, M.D. Joseph H. Keffer, M.D. George G. Klee, M.D., Ph.D. Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN Paul W. Ladenson, M.D. Jerald C. Nelson, M.D. E. Chester Ridgway, M.D. Carole A. Spencer, M.T., Ph.D. Jan R.Stockigt, M.D. Leonard Wartofsky, M.D. |